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Empowering teachers to overcome the challenges in teaching English in the regions.


1-Oio - Julio Naquidama 955181630

2-Cacheu- MÁRIO ALIU SUBNA 955599599

3- Biombo- Africano Tunecas Imutcha 955725124

4-Bissau- Marciano Domingos Sanca 955257286

5-Bafata- Suleimane Embalo 966667187

6-Gabu- Sadjo Serra 955235462

7-Tomabali- Justino Una Te 955319345

8-Quinara- Dauda Culubali 966100620

9-Bolama/Bijagos- Duarte Nanquivo 966622462

Our ELTA-GB regional coordinators:

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